Refer your Patients

Who can participate in Small Steps for Big Changes?

Patients may be able to participate in this study if they are:

  1. Between the ages of 18 and 70
  2. At risk for type 2 diabetes
  3. Able to read and comprehend English
  4. Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25 and 45 kg/m2.

How can I refer my patients?

There are three ways you can refer your patients to this program:

  1. Order a blood requisition.
    • Have your patients haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) tested for those who may be at risk of T2D.
      • Valley Medical Laboratories will fax you a list of your patients whose HbA1c scores fall within the prediabetic range (5.7 to 6.4 mmol/L) just as they do when informing you of your patients who fall within the diabetic range.
      • You will be asked to provide your consent on which patients you feel it would be appropriate to send a simple letter of information about the Small Steps for Big Changes program in the mail; fax that list back to Valley Medical Laboratories.
      • In turn, Valley Medical Laboratories will mail out information letters about the program to only those whom you have deemed appropriate to receive this hard-copy letter.
  2. Direct referral. 
    • If your patient would like to be contacted by our team, please feel free to email us at Small Steps for Big Changes or email Dr. Mary Jung with your patients name, email and phone number.
  3. Verbal encouragement.
    • Encourage your patients to visit this website and complete the ADA screen online.
    • Those interested in finding out more about the program should be encouraged to Contact Us